The American Language Institute offers a variety of programs to meet the specific needs and goals of international students, professionals, corporations, and government agencies. These programs include:
Sample San Diego State University courses without going through the admissions process. Students can enroll in SDSU undergraduate or graduate courses. Credits earned are listed on an official SDSU transcript and may be transferred to other universities. Students also have the option of choosing from a variety of certificate programs while earning college credits.
These programs are for individuals who desire to improve their "real language" communication skills, to increase their knowledge of American people and culture, and to practice English in natural situations on and off campus.
Students who plan to enter a U.S. college or university at the undergraduate or graduate level can study in one of our university pathway programs. Exam preparation is also included for TOEFL and IELTS, as well as GRE and GMAT for those preparing for or pursuing an MBA or any master's degree at an American university.
SDSU's American Language Institute has been training teachers of ESL/EFL since 1981. The ALI teaching staff has a broad base of experience in teacher training, ranging from Fulbright assignments in Costa Rica, Romania, and Japan to presenting teacher training courses in United States and abroad including Brazil, Korea, Japan, Mexico, and Jordan.
These certificate courses are for students and professionals interested in learning more about American business practices as they relate to business around the world. The International Business English (IBE) certificate program is designed for students with high-intermediate to advanced English-language proficiency and a high level of commitment.
The ALI can offer customized programs for special groups in fields such as business, teacher training, law, health care, sports medicine, and others. These are offered at our San Diego State University location or on-site in the home country.